Thursday, March 5, 2009

There Actually IS a Reason...

So there are a lot of strange superstitions and cultural norms (at least to me anyway) here in Uganda that I'm not used to. I used to think they were ridiculous, until I found out the reason for one of them recently.

Everyone tells me not to eat while walking. If that were the case in America, I think half the population would starve because we're all so busy running around often the only time we have to eat is when we're moving. Not here though. And every time I asked why you aren't supposed to eat while walking, I got a different answer; it's rude, it's bad for your digestion, you might spill, you'll drop your food, etc. I finally know the real reason.

I was walking along chatting with Scott while eating a meat samosa, which I know is against cultural norms here, but I was hungry. I was gesticulating, of course, and holding the half eaten samosa between us, when I felt something hit me in the head and realized my samosa was no longer in my hand. Then I saw it, the dirty samosa thieving hawk that the samosa vendors always warn me about but I thought was just silly. It flew down, hit both Scott and me in the head with its wings, and stole my breakfast right out of my hand. Evil rotten thing.

Anyway, now I'm keeping my mind open to all the other things that don't exactly make sense to my American sensibilities. After all, we have some pretty strange superstitions as well; don't step on a crack, black cat crosses your path, don't walk under a ladder, dont open your umbrella indoors, etc. Anyway, things make sense, sometimes.


Unknown said...

Oh man, sister... that's hilarious. Dirty thieving hawk!


Wild creatures do fend for themselves, it is the second Friday the 13th this year and all is well hereas I hope it is there. Miss YA and Love Ya,
And Cindy and Traci say Hi too!