Tuesday, May 11, 2010

You Say Goodbye, and I say Hello

Well hello again. Thought the last one was the end didn't you? HA! I fooled you! You are soooo gullible. Ok, gloating aside, I just got back from Egypt this morning, after a, shall we say interesting, trip. The museums, pyramids, tombs, and other historical sights and monuments were absolutely fantastic, and something everyone should see in their lifetimes. The heat, especially in Luxor, is best avoided, although that could be our mistake of going in the summer instead of the winter, although I don't imagine it gets a whole lot cooler at any point during the year. The hassle of the Egyptian men of Luxor is something I will NOT miss, nor would wish upon my worst enemy, so there you have it. A love/hate relationship with a country, something I've never experienced before. There are places I've been that haven't blown my mind, or haven't made me want to return particularly badly, but this was something else entirely. I don't want you to go away thinking I didn't have a good time in Egypt, because I did, but being harassed by at least 30 different men in a 10 meter walk is not an experience I wish to repeat.

So needless to say Casey and I were happy when our vacation ended, because every person in Egypt thinking we were twins didn't help the catcall factor AT ALL. But now she's leaving, saying goodbye to her 2 months in Uganda, and I have a whole 12 hours alone until my brother arrives tonight for his two week vacation. I have a lot planned for us, including toting my dog all over the country and then out of it, and also going to Lake Bunyonyi and my house and going on a safari, so it should be a very busy 2 weeks. But I'm excited, because it will go faster than I realize, and we'll have a ton of fun. And then I'll be coming home, and I know you all are holding your breath with anticipation at my return, but please, be sensible, I don't want you to turn blue and pass out. Continue breathing at a normal rate, and I'll be home before you know it.

Well, this one isn't long, and it'll probably be my last one on the African continent, at least for a few years anyway. So, despite what the title says, I'm not only saying hello to my brother, but goodbye to Uganda, which is of course sad, but I think it's time. Although I have to say I've gained a whole new perspective of and appreciation for Ugandan culture after surviving the deserts of Egypt, I should begin the next chapter of whatever this thing called life is. So, tata for now, and mayhaps I'll keep writing once I start grad school. My summer exploits could also be tales of hilarity, considering how many idiotic mistakes and cultural slip-ups I'm going to make. One of which Casey already reminded me I cannot do once I get home, the eyebrow lift that means yes has to be released from my repertoire of replies giving a positive response to a question. Let's see how many you can spot once I get back.


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