Hello again my peoples! I hope all is well, and that the anticipation of my homecoming isn't causing you to lose sleep and concentration at work. I'm currently in Egypt, and am having a wonderful time, if you can't tell from the pictures I've uploaded. Yesterday Casey and I went to the Egyptian National Museum to enjoy all the wonders that place has to offer. We got to see the mummified remains of multiple past Egyptian kings, queens, and pharaohs, along with their mummified pets and other goods they wanted to tote with them to the afterlife. It was pretty cool, and a long day considering how much they have in that place! But we made it, and feel that we have gained a fair bit of knowledge about Egyptian history, although it's a bit patchy considering how few placards were there labeling the pieces.
Today was even better, as we went out to Giza to see the pyramids and the Sphinx. I had an incredible time, and I think Casey did to despite the fact that I basically forced her onto the back of a camel and then proceeded to make her pay for the long tour on the camel through the pyramids. In the end we completely enjoyed ourselves, and we got a ton of really great pictures. The place is amazing, although very surreal, I felt like I was on a movie set instead of actually in the desert at the real McCoy. After seeing the monuments, we wandered around the town of Giza and eventually had a glorious lunch at a place where no english existed, and it was a ton of fun. We ended up getting way more than we expected and for a great price, not to mention how delicious it all was. So today has been good, and we haven't even done that much yet! Needless to say I would highly suggest everyone come to Cairo and explore Egypt a bit, it's a ton of fun and not too pricey. Anyway, besides trying to get a job with the Egyptian board of tourism, I've got to take a nap. Riding camels takes a lot out of you.
A little description of the pictures in case you can't tell, the first one is pretty self explanatory, being the incredibly mature and wise person that I am, I thought it would be best if I had a picture of myself picking the nose of the Sphinx. In the second one Casey and I have just climbed onto one of the smaller pyramids, which is apparently not allowed. Our guide had to argue with the tourist police for the better part of a half hour and then had to pay a fine. Since we didn't want to go up there in the first place, we didn't feel to badly for him. The last picture is just of Casey and I upon our dromedaries in front of the largest of the three big pyramids. I was thoroughly entertained by the camels, despite the fact that hers had a fly problem and mine kept growling and burping at Casey. It even spit it's cud at the guide, I think it had an attitude problem.
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