Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Upside of Everything

Well it looks like I've survived everything that happened to me last week, and I'm feeling good about life. My wounded foot is finally draining of pus, and the water is back so I'm rid of the bedbugs (after a heavy dose of insecticide). I've found the best way to make it through is to think of whatever good is coming of the terrible situation. The following are a few of my favorites that I've come up with.

8 days dirty hair: No frizzies or fly-aways. Every strand of hair stays exactly where you placed it, and there's none of those bothersome little hairs tickling your face. It might itch a bit and feel disgustingly greasy, but at least everything stays put.

no water: When the tap runs dry, you might think I'd be upset. Instead I make a game out of using the least amount of water for the most tasks I can think of. I'm getting pretty good at conserving water. I can clean my house, wash my dishes, and bathe myself with 5 liters. I'm very happy about that. Maybe you can beat me, but somehow I doubt it.

large patch of bug bites: The more bites there are centered in one spot, the less you have to scratch. It means less scabs and later less scars. Maybe this seems like a very minor benefit, when you have more than 30 bites it becomes better and better.

3 hour long ride that should take 1 hour: There are many benefits to this one. There are plenty of ways of improving yourself when this happens. First, patience is the obvious one. You work on coping with the frustration of impatience, especially since you don't have a time-frame you're following. You also have plenty of time to sit and contemplate life and your place in it. Not to mention thinking up interesting blogs for your friends and family back home to read. So this one is not only beneficial to me, but also to all of you. You also can work on your personal space issues, since generally 4 or 5 people are squeezed into seats that are meant for 2 or 3.

no pre-prepared meals: I'm learning how to cook just about everything from scratch, which is a good skill to have, I think. Last weekend at our Thanksgiving celebration we had to prepare our turkey from a live bird, which was definitely a new experience for me. Spaghetti, macaroni and cheese, stir-fry, all of the things that used to be my easy meals at home now take time and preparation, but I'm learning how to cook everything from the basic ingredients, which is fun and rewarding.

Well, that's all I have for now, but if I think of any more, I'm sure I'll give them to you in future blogs.


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