Friday, May 9, 2008

3 Billy Goats Gruff

Well, I'm sure I've mentioned my 3 little goat friends before, but there has been a new development in our friendship. The other day, during a short afternoon storm, I had my back door open, as usual, and in comes my three little friends to shelter from the storm. I figured they couldn't do much harm, considering my house is made completely of concrete, so I let them stay. They just wanted in out of the rain after all, and they stayed behind the open door and slept in the corner.

Not for long. After the storm was over, and their afternoon nap was taken care of, they decided to explore the premesis a bit. They wandered into the kitchen, didn't find anything interesting there, so continued on to the sitting room. Here they thouroughly enjoyed climbing on the small shelf at the bottom of my coffee table, and generally just walking anywhere they could. What a great new playground! They seemed to tire of this, and soon left out the back door they entered through.

Little did I realize they now thought of my house as their personal stomping grounds. I could hear them playing on the dirt wall behind my house, and watched a little bit through the door and window from my bed when I could see them. They disappeared from view, but I could still hear them stomping around. Soon enough, I heard a stampede, and they came tearing into the house and jumped up on the bed with me. Goats seem to have this wierd need to be at the highest point possible, like they are constantly playing king of the mountain. Well, in my house that point is my bed. So here they are, playing king of the mountain and getting dirty little goat hoof prints all over my blanket. Not only that, but Dodger, the white and black/brown one, decided this might be a good place to relieve herself. I quickly won the king of the mountain battle, and sent them on their way back out the door.

They continued to come tearing in and jump on the bed, and the black one, Artie, decided she was going to test me. Every time I tried to push her off, she would head-butt my hands. I guess that's a true sign of friendship. Silly goats.



Bailey said...

that was such a great story!

casey said...

Dude. You rock my socks off. Too funny! Can't wait for more stories;-) Hey, and before you leave UG, I promise you will have a package (although if things keep going the way they do, you might not get the package until I bring it 4th year...we'll see)
Hope to hear from you soon!

Unknown said...

Hey there Megan, loving you blog. I'm a former PCV traveling with my husband through the Middle East and Africa. . and curious if you might be up for visitors as we may come through your town. Do let me know! ;-) Thanks friend!