Friday, April 18, 2008

Settling In

Wow. It's official, I'm a Peace Corps Volunteer, since Thursday, April 10. I'm currently trying to get myself situated, and my new house in living and working order. I'm having some furniture made, and am currently in the process of trying to make the place clean and homey. We'll see how far I get on that front.

I'm also trying to get to know my new neighborhood, which mainly includes several cows and goats, who I am getting to know very well. Yesterday I met 3 brand new baby goats, and they were lots of fun. I also got to know 4 of the cows that wander past my door every day, which was interesting. Who knew they were so friendly? One of them liked me so much she wouldn't stop licking me, which is gross.

I haven't done any teaching yet, but I have started helping the other teachers to finish their grading, since term just ended for the students yesterday. I have until May 25th to prepare myself for teaching physics to secondary school students, which is a very good thing since I've never done this before. I'm looking forward to getting started on my job here, and also to doing something as new and exciting as teaching. It should be interesting.

The area I'm living in is in the southwest of Uganda, which I may have mentioned before, and is the most beautiful part of the country. Its very hilly, I guess is how I should put it, and the climate is much different than the rest of Uganda, mainly its much colder. I wasn't expecting to need sweatshirts in Africa, but there I go making assumptions again. I'm going to need to buy some warmer clothing, because believe it or not it gets to 40 degrees F sometimes. I also hadn't realized that 2 months was enough time to get used to the heat of central Uganda, but apparently I am now a wimp to the cold. I'm thinking about buying a charcoal stove just to keep my house warmer.

Well, I suppose that's enough for now. I'll post again when I get to the internet next, which could be awhile since the nearest internet cafe to my house is 12 km away. I need to get a bike...


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