Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Very Merry Christmas To You

Yep, it's that time of the year again. Time for snow days, egg nog, long nights by the fire... oh wait, none of those things exist in my Ugandan style Christmas. Oh well, we'll make do, like we did last year. This time I'm going to be spending my holiday at Kabulasoke Primary Teacher's College, where another volunteer in my group works. There's going to be lots of Holiday cheer involved, as well as a Christmas day soccer match, I believe. It should be a good time, and like the good southwesterner I am, I'm bringing the cheese (good midwesterner as well). If nothing else, at least we've got cheese.

I'm a little nervous about leaving my dog for the holidays, despite the fact that he's survived multiple times without me there, including when he was a little guy and much more vulnerable to whatever it is I fear is going to happen to him. But after I attended the Japan vs. America sports extravaganza in Ndegya, I returned to find him not eating and then he slept for two straight days. He's back to his old self now, so don't you worry your pretty little faces, but I don't know what caused the lapse. This morning he shied away from a furry caterpillar, so perhaps that was what happened to him. They might look and seem innocent enough, but the furry caterpillars here will break off their hairs in your skin if you touch them, and it doesn't feel good. They may even be poisonous, I don't know. Spencer really likes hunting crickets, probably because they are the only things he can actually catch, so I fear he may have tried hunting a caterpillar with adverse results. At least he now knows not to do it again.

Other than that, not a whole lot else going on around these parts. Just waiting for my younger brother to arrive here in the UG so I can cart him off to Kenya. That should be a fun vacation, several other volunteers are going to come with us so we will have a good time. Laying on the beach beside the ocean is a good time no matter who you're with, so we really can't go wrong. Let's just hope I remember my sunscreen:). I got burned the other day just sitting outside and playing soccer, on a very overcast day, so fortune is not on my side. I'll just go prepared.

Well, I guess that's enough for now, despite the lapse in entries, there just isn't much to talk about during the breaks from school. I'm off to make some chocolate chip cookies now, so eat your hearts out.
